WARNING: There's a "run" on bulletproof vests.
This may be your one-and-only shot at this!
I Want To Give You
Awesome Ballistic Plate Carrier
-- for FREE!

Dear Hotlist Member:
This message is urgent! Please, for the safety of you and your loved ones, do NOT ignore this!
You see, I've got 200 bulletproof vest plate carriers in my warehouse right now that I am willing to GIVE away to first-tier hotlist guys like you...
You're definitely gonna want in on the deal I've arranged.
Here's the story: Unless you've just woke up from a coma, you've probably noticed (with some alarm) that this country has recently entered into a critical and volatile phase of our history.
Urban centers across the nation are poised to explode into violence with hoards of radicals armed to the teeth with -- among other weapons -- illegal Chinese made assault rifles.
Nobody knows exactly what's about to happen, but some very smart insiders -- people who are NOT typically prone to panic or exaggeration -- are now calling this current state of affairs...
"A Pre-Civil War".
It's a shocking and disturbing time -- especially for anyone who's been caught unprepared by the recent "run" on ballistic materials.
Check around. Bulletproof vests are virtually "Sold Out" around the country with a waiting period of at least 12 weeks. There's a good reason why it's in such high demand.
That's why this message is so important to you.
Because the FREE "Hell Rig" Plate Carrier I've got waiting for you...
Is in-stock and
ready to ship to you now.
It's worth $50. But for anyone who acts fast, you can get it for nothing when you check out at least two of my new Superman Steel Bulletproof Inserts -- which are also in stock and ready to ship.
I'll tell you all about these awesome steel inserts in just a second.
For now, let's talk about your free "Hell Rig" Plate Carrier.

This beauty is extremely durable, constructed out of heavy-duty black 600 Denier Oxford material that's very tough with super-reinforced stitching throughout.
It's designed to fit two standard ballistic plates -- one in front, one in back.
There's also an ammo holder in front with magazine retention straps capable of holding SIX 30-round magazines. That's a lot of ammo -- and it's what our own Special Ops instructors say they like to carry with them into combat zones to feel prepared.
The pouches can accommodate soft or hard body-armor and -- unlike other cheaper carriers -- the Hell-Rig Carrier holds your plates in place with a sturdy fold-over flap that's then protected by a second and even wider Velcro security flap to ensure that the plates are held extremely firm.
Virtually locks your steel plates in place. They will never jostle around or move or come loose -- even if you're running or jumping.
There's also PALS/MOLLE webbing on the front and back that can hold a flashlight, or a medical kit, or additional mag pouches, a pistol holster, a combat knife, or a million other accessories.
The reinforced shoulder straps and the wrap-around nylon waist straps are comfortable and adjustable and allows you to keep the vest tightly in place.
The waist straps also have a very handy quick-release latching system -- not a cheap tie-down like most others. Let's you put the vest on or take it off in a flash.
We paid close attention to the details, even including elastic bands to hold any loose strap ends in place so they're never flapping around.
But the best part is that...
This Amazing TRS Hell-Rig Plate Carrier
is yours FREE!
Again, it's my GIFT to you when you order two of my new Superman Steel Bulletproof Inserts.
Let's take a look at the plates.
They are 25 x 30cm standard-size solid steel inserts.
Why steel? Simple. Because steel is the gold standard for hard plate armor. Steel plates can simply withstand more abuse than any other armor type.
Ceramic plates for example can be damaged just by accidentally dropping them -- and generally can't be trusted to protect against multiple direct hits to the same spot.
On the other hand your steel Superman Inserts are rated NIJ III+ -- which means they can stop multiple high-velocity M855 rounds (also known as SS-109 Green Tip and 5.56 penetrator rounds) as well as 7.62 x 39mm rounds.
Simply put, it means the Superman plates can stop a typical high-velocity round fired from assault rifles like the...
AR-15, M4... and AK-47.
That is SERIOUS protection.
And of course your Superman Inserts can also stop anything fired from a handgun or shotgun too.
These inserts fit neatly into your TRS "Hell Rig" but also inside any other carrier designed to hold a standard plate.

The shooter's cut design allows for greater freedom of movement in the arms and shoulders.
Also, (and this is important), the Superman Inserts are curved to fit your body. Unlike flat plates, which tend to dig into the back and irritate the spine, the gentle curve on the Superman means this insert can be worn comfortably for many hours.
And this isn't just a "poor man's" plate of raw steel.
No way.
Each Superman Insert is covered in a rubberized foam coating and then wrapped in a second layer of tough 600 denier fabric to protect your plate from rust... disperse the energy of a ballistic impact... and help catch any spalling that splatters off the bullet.
Okay... as you can probably tell I'm pretty excited about our new Superman Steel Plate Inserts and could probably yack for another 20 pages about them.
But I won't.
I'll just cut straight to the offer so I'm not wasting one more second than necessary.
So here's the deal: If you could order a single plate like this anywhere else -- which you can't, but if you could -- it would normally cost you $130.
And even at that price it would be a bargain.
But considering what's happening out there right now, with the civil unrest and the real threat of the streets exploding into chaos, there's simply no way you could get your hands on anything close to the level of protection I'm offering you here... at a discounted price... shipped within one business day... and with a free vest to boot.
But as a First Tier hotlist member, that's exactly what you'll get.
That's right, just click the "Yes" button now and I will rush you...
- A Superman Steel Bulletproof Insert. This is an amazing piece of III+ protection capable of protecting you from a typical high-velocity assault rifle like an AR-15, M4, and AK-47 and of course any handgun or shotgun. Awesome protection.
- A 25% discount. Instead of $130, (which is already a damn good price) you're getting a steel Superman plate for just $99.
- A FREE "Hell-Rig" Plate Carrier. Carries two plates and 6 ammo mags. This is my gift to any hotlist member who purchases two Superman Inserts.
- Ships within ONE business day. That's right. While my competitors are price gouging and forcing people to wait at least 12 weeks on a back order list... as a TRS Survival hotlist member you can have this baby in your hands FAST.
But you don't risk a penny of your purchase price because it's all covered by a generous
100% money back guarantee!
If you don't feel safer and more secure knowing that you're literally bulletproof against everything from a peashooter to an assault rifle...
...if you're not thrilled with the deal you got here and feel a surge of confidence the moment you slip on that gorgeous bulletproof Hell-Rig...
...if you're buddies aren't once again wondering how the hell you always seem to be ready for anything with the coolest gear...
...then just return everything for a full and prompt refund... but (for anyone who's ordered two or more inserts)...
I want you to KEEP the
"Hell-Rig" as my gift to you!
Heck, if you order 4 inserts I'll even give you TWO free Hell-Rig carriers.
You gotta admit, that's more than generous.
But you must hurry!
At this point there are just 200 of the free Hell-Rig plate carriers to go around. I've got more on order, but it could be many months before they arrive into my warehouse. Seriously.
So hit the "Yes" button now.
You're getting a heck of a deal on some serious protection that NOBODY else can get their hands on right now, and just at a time when you and your loved ones need it most.
You're taking no risk at all, and the Hell-Rig plate carrier is yours for free.
You won't... you can't find a better deal than this anywhere else. Being a hotlist member has its advantages.
So click on the "Yes" button and let's get you the gear you need.
For a safe life...
P.S. This is for my First Tier hotlist members only. (If you personally received an email from me, congrats, that means you're on the list).
If you're not an exclusive hotlist member, (like if you got to this hidden page through a back-channel somehow)... sorry, you will be told "no" if you try to order.